September 2023
From the desk of Nan Zingrone:
My apologies for having to push the ParaMOOC2024 sessions from March to April. When Bryan Williams, Natasha Chisdes, and I decided to resurrect a shorter version of the ParaMOOC series founded by myself and my late husband, Carlos S. Alvarado, we planned to always have the ParaMOOCs in March, which is Carlos’s birthday month. And definitely, that’s the plan for 2025!
Unfortunately, this year, I managed to have an accident in my home that left me a bit gimpy, with very sore knees and legs, and with bruises on my face that reminded me of a raccoon. It will be seven weeks tomorrow since that happened, and I still have a crescent-shaped fading bruise under my right cheekbone that makes me look like I’m about to head out to play American football with my pals. No more limping, sore knees and this little bruise fading quickly, so Bryan, Natasha, and I decided that now is the time to get the ParaMOOC2024 up and running.
I want to thank our speakers, who were kind enough to shift their presentations from March to April. Click here to grab the ParaMOOC2024 calendar. Each calendar entry has the speaker, the day and time in Central time (Chicago), Eastern time (New York), and for the UK speakers’ their local time. The title of the presentation, an abstract, and a brief biography are also included.
I also want to thanks Lisette Coly and Anna Damalas of the Parapsychology Foundation who are again supporting us in this endeavor. For more detail, check out the Parapsychology Foundation’s recent blog on ParaMOOC2024.
Here is the flash page that Bryan Williams created for this year’s group:

Speakers & Admin Team
I will be moderating the presentation sessions, and in the Opening Session, Bryan and I will be covering the course and Natasha will be in the chat. When you register by emailing parapsychologyonline@gmail.com and including “Register” in the subject line, we will send you the Zoom link.
As always the ParaMOOC course is free. There will be discussion forums in the Zoom on the Sunday the 21st of April and on Sunday the 28th at noon Central.
And for those who want to join us in the virtual world, Second Life, there will be a Second Life tour of the AZIRE Library and Learning Center and the Chilbo neighborhood. (For those who will be coming into Second Life for the first time, there will be tutorials on how to get a free account, choose an avatar and find your way to Chilbo.) There will be a discussion forum in Second Life on the 21st of April a couple of hours after the Zoom discussion takes place. On the 28th, there will be a ParaMOOC2024 Dance Party in Second Life.
If you are new to ParaMOOC don’t miss the ParaMOOC playlist on the Parapsychology Foundation YouTube Channel. Click here for that. The PF’s playlist starts with 2019, and the more recent years are near the bottom of the playlist. Please subscribe to the PF YouTube Channel. The PF channel has a lot of other lectures, conferences, and interviews. Don’t miss it!
The ParaMOOC playlists on the ParapsychologyOnline YouTube Channel start with the a playlist of some of the videos from 2015, and each year as it’s own playlist. You will see the playlists on the Parapsychology Online home page. click here for that. Tomorrow or Monday there will be a new video going over registration, and the speakers for 2024. Please subscribe to ParapsychologyOnline on YouTube as well.
Looking forward to seeing you all! I’m heading out to put up the event notices on the ParapsychologyOnline, AZIRE, and ParaMOOC Facebook pages.